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Our team of reviewers is passionate about all things horror and dedicated to providing honest and insightful reviews. We take our job seriously and strive to provide our readers with the most accurate and helpful reviews possible. We believe that our reviews can help readers decide what horror content to engage with, and we take pride in being a trusted source for horror fans worldwide.


At Ginger Nuts of Horror Review Website, we cover a wide range of horror content, from books and comics to movies and TV shows. Our team of reviewers has a diverse range of interests and expertise, ensuring that our readers receive a well-rounded perspective on the latest horror releases.


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Bob Freville

Bob Freville is a writer, producer and director from New York. His lofi vampire drama Hemo was released by Troma. His X-rated bikersploitation novella The Filthy Marauders is available from The Evil Cookie Publishing. He is the writer/producer of the forthcoming international drug comedy The Scavengers of Stavanger. Indulge his […]

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