Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens Ginger nuts of horror review website

Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Survival Horror Tony’s top YA picks for making it through the night

Cinematically, sticking a bunch of dumb, good-looking teens in the middle of nowhere to get picked off by hillbilly cannibals is as old as the hills, but remains incredibly rare as a storyline or trope in a teen novel, except for a few exceptions. In adult horror this is a popular trope, but in regard to YA there is surely a gap in the market for some horror authors out there to fill by spilling some blood.

In response, this article expands into what might be termed ‘teens in peril’, where the unfortunates are menaced by unknown presences, or forced to adapt to survive in unforgiving, postapocalyptic landscapes populated with zombies, vampires or giant killer butterflies. Nature can also be brutal and if a savage beast does not finish you off, she most definitely will. 

To survive in any of these books one needs to be on high alert; have your wits highly tuned, eyes in the back of your head, and ensure you are not the backmarker. Nobody wants to be picked off first and the guy holding up the rear is always in imminent danger of the chopping block. Or is it the girl at the front? Either way, in survival horror few win, without sacrificing a limb or two or having the teen herd gleefully culled beyond recognition. 

All the novels featured in this particular twenty book list are YA and were reviewed in my almanac The YA Horror 400, which was published last year. More information on the almanac is included after the reviews.

Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens
Virginia Bergin – The Rain (2014)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Macmillan Children’s Books;

Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens
Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

The Rain and sequel The Storm are a highly entertaining pair of novels which open during a normal teenage party with kids snogging, getting drunk, or stoned. The next morning, most are dead. Being touched by the tiniest drop of rain results in a painful death. Large swatches of the population are killed off very quickly, as something nasty in the water eats you up from the inside. Fifteen-year-old Ruby, with a huge pack of neighborhood dogs, tries to find her father in very distant London, and goes on a perilous journey of survival where there is much more to worry about than the rain.

Ruby is an outstanding character. Through the course of this gripping dystopian, environmentally tinged, near-apocalyptic tale she carries The Rain in magnificent style, sass, spit, anger and humour. With very few life skills and without her pandering parents, finding herself on her own, Ruby must negotiate a very different and dangerous world. I totally loved piggybacking on her journey and this book deserves to be much better known than it probably is.

Emma Berquist – Devils unto Dust (2018)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ GreenWilBk

Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens
Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Emma Berquist’s captivating debut Devils unto Devils is in the same ballpark as Dread Nation, featured elsewhere in this book. Both have outstanding teenage girl characters leading the action. Devils unto Dust probably has more in common with Alden Bell’s Reapers are the Angels than Dread Nation, as both novels are, effectively, dangerous road trips which involve a hunt across largely empty landscapes.

Rather than making statements about race, as Dread Nation does, it is much more concerned with the nuclear family and what the main character Daily Wilcox (known as ‘Willie’) will do to protect hers. But along the way savour the empty but beautifully described landscapes as Willie and her friends battle for survival. I almost forgot to mention there were zombies…..

Like most novels of this type, the ‘Z’ word is never used. They are referred to as ‘shakers’ with Texas being quarantined from the rest of the country as the undiagnosed virus spreads. In fact, the plot could have been lifted straight out an old b-western novel from the 1950s, but the horror twist Emma Berquist brings to the table is incredibly fresh. Willie’s drunk father steals money from a local moneylender who threatens to hurt Willie and her siblings if he is not reimbursed.

The young woman takes it upon herself to hire two ‘shake’ hunters with what little money they have left and sets out, away from their home of Glory, Texas to find her father and retrieve the cash. There are some outstanding action sequences. Like Reapers are the Angels the zombies never dominate the story and all the characters are skilfully drawn.

Ilsa Bick – Ashes (2011)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Quercus Children’s Books

Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens
Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Ashes is a serious, nail-biting fusion of science fiction and horror which sees huge casualties after an unexplained and potentially apocalyptic EMP strike. Worse things are to come; some of the survivor’s morph into beings which are no longer human, cannibalistic, and incredibly dangerous. Main character Alex, who is suffering from a terminal brain tumour, is strangely unaffected. In a remote location when the EMP went off, she fights to survive in this tremendous action horror crying out to be made into a film. Ashes is a cut above most apocalyptic fiction, with an engaging and sympathetic female lead who puts her own serious health problems aside to help eight-year-old Ellie who she discovers without her parents.

Ashes is an outstanding trilogy which deserves to be much better known than it is. If you read this book without much forward knowledge, the cannibalism can be particularly shocking and it develops into a thriller blending science fiction, edging into a full-blown dystopia as the series moves on. The direction book two and three take cleverly advances the plot with wild zombie armies, a dangerous and devastated Walking Dead style civilization and brief glimpses of humanity (usually at its worst).

Erin Bowman – Dustborn (2021)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Clarion Books; Reprint edition

Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens
Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Dustborn has a superb setting; a world completely parched of water, where the rivers have dried up and the last surviving ‘packs’ of people scavenge to survive, following the last traces of water. ‘Old Tech’ is mentioned frequently and is highly prized and sought after, such as the last functioning binoculars or compasses.

Most survivors live in small groups and rely upon trading to survive. The main character is seventeen-year-old Delta of Dead River, whose ‘pack’ has shrunk drastically and is struggling to exist day-by-day. Also, her sister is pregnant. In this very cruel world, babies are a hinderance. With the baby due and her sister sick, Delta undertakes a dangerous journey to find a medicine woman and barter their last possessions for payment.

The setting of Dustborn will make you thirsty just by reading it. It vibrates with echoes of cult films Mad Max and Hardware, and it is easy to get behind leading character Delta who finds herself not only trying to survive but caring for a new-born. About a third of the way into the novel, the story really opens up.

Delta realises she has a much more complex part to play when she comes up against ‘The General’, also a very nasty piece of work. Delta has an extensive and cryptic tattoo on her back which The General takes a very special interest in. Dustborn is an exciting blend of science fiction, action, and strong characters in a very cleverly plotted post-apocalyptic western which action loving teens will drink up. 

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens
Andrew Fukuda – The Hunt (2012)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Simon & Schuster Children’s UK

Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens
Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Humans have been hunted to near extinction by vampires in this gripping trilogy top-loaded with clever observations of how a world ruled by vampires might look like and function on a day to day basis. This is a million miles away from Twilight and although it borrows ideas from The Hunger Games, has some tremendous scenes with a teenager who becomes very, very good at hiding the fact he’s human, to the extent he barely remembers himself and is totally distant from it.

When the novel opens, shockingly, seventeen-year-old Gene does not know anybody else left who is human. Which is a tough ask when you attend (vampire) school and cannot afford to show any emotions whatsoever (or sweat, cough or smile), otherwise you’re dogfood and will be ripped to shreds by the creatures. 

The story kicks off with the announcement that there is going to be a new government sponsored hunt, which happens every decade. When Gene is selected to be one of the combatants, he must learn the art of the hunt – but also elude his fellow competitors as suspicions about his true human nature grow. Humans are known as ‘hepers’ and so Gene has to look like he is enjoying hunting his own kind. The Hunt was a very clever idea, which was very intelligently presented in a well-drawn world where humanity really is drawing its last breath. 

Gregg Hurwitz – The Rains (2016)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Penguin

Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens
Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Between 2016-17 bestselling adult thriller writer made a brief, but highly impressive foray into YA horror/science fiction, with the outstanding Rains duology. I’m unsure whether these books were successful enough to entice Gregg back into the YA world, but they were a killer blend of end of the world and alien invasion horror which deserve to be much better known than they probably are. The Rains stops for the occasional breather, but on the whole is unrelenting from beginning to end. I found myself reading it very fast through the multiple mini climaxes, which keep the book moving at a furious lick, helped by the fact the plot plays out in just one highly explosive week.

The Rains has serious kick and brutally mashes adventure, horror and science fiction, fuelled by adrenaline pumping small-town adventure and a fight for survival. The fast-paced zombie style action is brilliant for bored teenagers and once sucked into the fight to saving their small town from destruction all bets are off. The fear level escalates when all adults turn into doglike monsters, parasites infecting everybody over the age of eighteen. The tension reaches near breaking point when we realise the elder of the brothers is just about to turn eighteen and the clock is ticking down.

Kim Liggett – The Grace Year (2019)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Del Rey;

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Kim Liggett’s The Grace Year is a neat mix of teenage angst, fear, and gender suppression in an unnamed, superstitious and backward society. Tierney James lives in an isolated village where, at the age of sixteen, girls are chosen to be brides, and there is shame upon the families of those not selected.

The rejected individuals are given menial jobs and seen as society rejects. Tierney is a tomboy and does not expect to be chosen. Before the marriages take place the girls (both chosen and not selected) are banished for a calendar year to an isolated camp to survive for themselves, they are not allowed to leave and dangers lurk everywhere. Should they survive and return they are forbidden from talking about their Grace Year. 

Why does this happen? It is believed that during the year, girls develop magical powers and if they are kept isolated they cannot cause any harm to the rest of the village, particularly men who may fall under their thrall. Kim Liggett creates a believable setting and society in which suppression dominates the everyday lives of girls who do not know any other existence. This is a world in which a woman can be executed with little evidence and certainly no trial. 

As the girl’s time in the isolated camp lengthens, the author plays an excellent game of smoke and mirrors as the full extent of a conspiracy is revealed. The Grace Year was an outstanding thriller with a young woman fighting against oppression in a society where she had no voice.

Leslie Lutz – Fractured Tide (2018)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Blink

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Fractured Tide opens with Sia on a scuba diving trip; her mother owns a boat and together they entertain tourist on day excursions. Whilst on a dive around a popular shipwreck site with a large group of teenagers they think they are being stalked by a shark, but quickly realise there is something much nastier lurking in the water which quickly claims its first victim. From that moment expect the unexpected. Monsters, time travel, Bermuda Triangle style shenanigans, weird sinkholes, time repeating itself and all sorts of outlandish ideas are thrown into a convoluted mix. 

Fractured Tide has an odd narrative style told in the first person, present tense, by seventeen-year-old Sia in the form of journal entries written to her absent father. As Sia has substantial swimming and diving experience, she holds things together admirably due to the lack of adult leadership. Some of the reveals were handled very nicely and this high concept novel keeps the reader guessing until the over-the-top ending, which is no surprise as the story is wild.

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens
Jennifer Lyle – Swarm (2023)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Sourcebooks Fire

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

I’ve read more than my fair share of creature features, for both adults and kids, but I think two-foot-long giant killer mutant butterflies is a first! Swarm hits the ground incredibly fast; Shur, who narrates in the first person, is daydreaming in class looking out the window, and spots a massive butterfly. Shortly after, the emergency sirens alarm, similar to an active shooter situation, and all the kids head for the sports hall. Instead Shur, and her twin brother Keene break away from the crowds with two other friends and grab their little brother before running home.

What followed was an atmospheric and restrained apocalyptic tale where most of the action takes place in the family home (with no adults present) with little information about what is going on outside. It becomes apparent that these monsters are vicious and the group witness others being killed by the creatures. The plot slowly reveals more about the beasts, and that a bite has horrific side effects, a clever variation on the zombie story. 

Shur is a great lead character. Suffering from severe anxiety, she is balanced by her considerate brother Keene. This was an unsettling novel loaded with terrific scenes and great support from friends Jenny and Nathan. As the need to protect the house from predators increase, it jumps into home invasion territory. Lurking in the background was further worry about where their absent mother was. Swarmwas great character driven entertainment with monsters which deliver both the shivers and the vomit effect.

Jonathan Maberry – Rot and Ruin (2010)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Simon & Schuster Children’s UK

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Rot and Ruin is an outstanding series (also known as the Benny Imura sequence) set in a zombie infested world after an apocalyptic event. Two brothers hunt the creatures, but not forthe most obvious reason, as they are a unique breed of zombie killer which plays a key role in this excellent adventure horror story. When Benny turns fifteen, he needs to find a job, otherwise his rations will be cut in a beautifully described isolated gated community of survivors. Through a combination of strong characterisation, clever plot and very well developed post-apocalyptic world, Rot and Ruin rises above most other zombie novels. 

If you are hoping to hook a teen on reading, Maberry is a top tip, with his intensely fast paced fiction, superb use of technology, action sequences and likable characters kids can easily connect with. The author recently returned to this world in a second series which begins with Broken Lands and sees Benny return with a host of other characters and further zombie survival adventures.

Tess James-Mackey – You Wouldn’t Catch Me Dead (2024)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Hodder Children’s Books

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

You Wouldn’t Catch Me Dead concerns a group of teenagers, lost in the remote Welsh hills and being stalked. A strong set of characters and a traumatic backstory combine beautifully as the teens realise no help will be arriving soon. The story nicely balances thriller and potentially supernatural narrative with the reveal coming in around 75% of the story. Moody main character Keely carries the story in style, but Barry totally steals the show. As the book hurtles towards its traumatic finish my heart was in my mouth that something horrible was going to happen to this lovely chap!

The story opens with sixteen-year-old Keely roped into joining an outdoor programme in the Welsh mountains. She is new to the area and has no friends. Even though others in the group try to connect, she pushes them away. Keely has a serious traumatic experience in her recent past, which is revealed in delicate flashbacks.

Before they have camped even one night disaster strikes in the thick fog and one of the teachers falls off a ridge and dies. As they try to wait it out, small piles of rocks appear outside their tents and they realise they are not alone. As page-turning thrillers go, you are not going to read many better, balanced nicely with the huge reveals of Kelly’s recent past which drags her way beyond her comfort zone.

Mindy McGinnis – Be Not Far from Me (2019)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Katherine Tegen Books

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Be Not Far from Me is a fascinating survival thriller which avoids all the cliches you might expect to find in such a story. There is no being stalked by bears, hunger is a powerful reality, and how often would you see a teenage girl bash the brains in of a possum then eat it raw? Or be forced to chop off part of an infected foot? I winced. You will too. This superlative book refuses to play by the rules and is more about characterisation, regret and survival than the action. I found this to be a rather beautifully melancholic reading experience.

Ashley and friends go camping and drinking in The Smokies, a mountain range and National Park in Tennessee. After the drinking and fooling around begins, Ashley discovers her boyfriend with another girl and runs away, drunk, and angry. She loses her bearings, falls and badly injures her foot, and in the morning finds the rest of the party gone. She is lost, with no supplies, minimal clothing and, to make things worse, her period starts. This is a very moving survival story, much of which is told in flashback from several years earlier when Ashley was taught basic survival skills by a summer camp leader.

Ashley loved Davey and never forgot him, or the skills he taught her. The story has the added spice of Ashley knowing that Davey died in these mountains a couple of years earlier (with his body never being recovered) and she feels his spirit watching over her. This is a non-supernatural novel, and I found this connection between Davey (who never knew she existed) and Ashley to be beautifully pitched and the ending brought a tear to my eye. This is as far away from an adventure novel as one could get and hums with authenticity and compassion.

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens
Bryony Pearce – Savage Island (2021)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Stripes Publishing 

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Savage Island is the ninth release from Red Eye, one of the only imprints releasing straight YA horror in the UK. Perhaps inspired by Japanese cult classic Battle Royale (2007), a group of teenagers enter a competition to win a million pounds in an endurance survival competition on an island near the Shetlands. Everything is secretive and social media interactions are banned. Very quickly, the group realise the competition involves more than problem solving, and when a contestant loses a finger things spiral downhill in a brutal (but highly entertaining) fight for survival. 

This was a compulsive thriller and for teens seeking an adrenaline rush Savage Island ticks all the boxes. The organisation behind the event have their own secret agenda and it was fun identifying hints on what they were genuinely up to. The dark natural surroundings of the island were a perfect location for this survival horror novel which is also ideal for thriller or mystery fans. 

Stephanie Perkins – The Woods Are Always Watching (2020)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Macmillan Children’s Books

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

The Woods are Always Watching is a non-supernatural story with a plot more akin to adult horror, rather than YA. If this were an adult novel it would undoubtedly fit into the ‘Hillbilly Horror’ subgenre, which is rarely found in YA. This was a book of two halves, the first intricately sets the scene with clever and convincing character development and the second half ramps up the horror, which includes some truly bone-crunching scenes, with real menace and gore. Some of the more menacing sequences would not have been out of place in an eighties backwater horror movie.

The Woods Are Always Watching features only two major characters, Neema and Josie who are going on a three-day hike deep into the Pisgah National Forest, in the Appalachian mountains. The girls are inexperienced walkers, naive, and looking for an eventful trip to mark the end of high school.

There is early tension as the pair struggle with the terrain and bicker with each other as stress levels increase. The two halves truly were widely different, with the first harmless teen survival fun, but the second features the threat of rape, murder and deeply unpleasant killers. The girls’ fight for survival was unrelenting and incredibly realistic, and Perkins was perhaps too cruel on one of the characters. Riveting stuff, and teens who tackle this must surely be ready to whet their lips with adult horror, as the brutal The Woods are Always Watching has them knocking on the door. 

Rory Power – Wilder Girls (2019)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Macmillan Children’s Books;

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

The startling Wilder Girls begins eighteen months into a quarantine in which the Raxter School for Girls has been cut off from the mainland. Luckily, the school is based on an island, and when a horrific illness called the ‘Tox’ manifests, keeping the girls isolated is not difficult. The government airdrop in minimal food and switch off the telephones and internet, and the reader realise a deeper murkier conspiracy, is afoot.  

The Tox leads to unpleasant body altering manifestations, such as developing a second spine, eyes closing over, bits of anatomy falling off or growing back in anatomically impossible ways. Over the last eighteen months, many girls have died, and as the promised cure has failed to materialise, the girls are pushed to extremes to survive. The story is seen from three rotating perspectives; Hetty, Reese and Byatt, who have complex relationships and friendships with each other. It is a highly original read which might catch the attention of some teens as body horror does not often feature in YA, successfully blending the troubled teenage psych with extreme situations. 

Nicky Singer – The Survival Game

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Hodder Children’s Books 

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

The Survival Game was a slow burning knockout set slightly in the future; where climate change has forced populations to move north, starvation is common, and the northern countries are no longer accepting immigrants. Scotland is now independent, and even the Scottish islands are breaking away from the mainland. This is a real strength of the novel, a dystopian backdrop which is expertly drawn and believable with Europe on the brink of collapse through starvation with even cannibalism being implied. 

The plot revolves around a lone teenager, Mhairi, attempting to get to the Island of Arran, where her grandmother lives. She has a Scottish passport, but the journey is fraught with danger. Along the way, she finds a little boy who becomes her travelling companion and a crucial part of the novel. The Survival Game is a brutal, convincing, and very powerful read, absolutely brimming with ideas about how we might deal with overcrowding in the future, from forced euthanasia to drugs which can remove years from life expectancy. This is a superb book, moving, passionate and prepare to shed a tear at the heart-breaking ending. 

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens
Lisa Stasse – The Forsaken (2012) 

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Orchard Books 

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

When Alenna Shawcross fails a genetic Government Personality Profile Test (GPPT) which predicts she has the genetic makeup to become a violent criminal, her life changes overnight. Living in an oppressive police state, she is sent to an island called ‘The Wheel’ where those who have failed the test end up. Alenna must fight for survival (and protect her own sanity) where joining a gang is the only option and life expectancy is incredibly low, with few surviving more than two years. 

Set in the United Northern Alliance (UNA), the totalitarian super-country; which was once the United States, Mexico, and Canada, Alanna grows from an obvious victim into a character with real charisma. Terrified and confused, Alenna bands with other teen survivors battling to stay alive, including Luis, a boy who will become something special and a lifeline. Once ensconced on the island, a fascinating battle for territory, big reveals, surveillance, brainwashing, conspiracy theories and the plot to escape follow. 

Jonathan Stroud – The Notorious Scarlett and Browne (2022)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Walker Books 

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

The Notorious Scarlett and Browne continues the story which begins inThe Outlaws Scarlett and Browne(2021) and from this ending a third instalment is a certainty. The setting is a post-apocalyptic south England which is part of the Seven Kingdoms; limited information is provided on the cataclysmic event which led us to where the action is set. It’s a weird kind of dystopia which has cars and guns but has regressed in many other ways, with cannibalistic monsters called ‘the Tainted’ roaming the forests and teenagers with untrained psychic powers, mixed into a lawless feuding landscape with a skewered version of the church calling the shots.    

The two main outlaw characters return, Scarlett McCain and Albert Browne survive on their wits by robbing, thievery, and roaming the wasteland. This sequel builds its plot around the character backstories largely absent in the first instalment. The narrative blends a Robin Hood adventure with Wild West vibes with the pair robbing the dodgy establishment church-based Faith Houses and in turn being hunted by villains from the earlier book.

Scarlett and Albert deal with the trauma of their past and the result is a fun fantasy adventure loaded with heists, underground cities, double dealing, bandits, monsters and larger than life characters. I also enjoyed the manner in which Scarlett and Albert’s friendship does not go beyond that, even though there is obvious attraction. And watch out for those man size owls which roam the wastelands! I preferred this sequel to the original but would still recommend reading them in the correct order as they are intrinsically linked.

Courtney Summers – This Is Not a Test (2012)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Saint Martin’s Griffin,U.S.

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Sloan has a violent father who treats her like trash, wakes up to a zombie holocaust just as he is verbally abusing her over breakfast. In this outstanding teen drama, she and five school friends battle for survival as the zombie masses surround their school. Since Sloane was deserted by her elder sister, she has struggled to cope, in a novel which abandons action for a more measured and thoughtful approach to the end of the world. For significant sections of the story, you might even forget there are zombies beyond the school, as many of the usual tropes are refreshingly absent. 

This was a character driven novel that was both moving and raw with emotion as the struggle for survival and the paranoia involved in keeping the school secure. This is Not a Test refused to sensationalise the apocalypse, and it takes time before it develops into a more traditional horror novel, which was cleverly and subtlety handled with the unknown fate of the sister raising questions in the background. Ultimately, it is a story about people and how they react to the situation, and is backed up by an outstanding lead character which goes full circle, hurtling into a highly emotive ending.

Kaitlin Ward – Bleeding Earth (2015)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Adaptive Studios

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

Bleeding Earth is a unique experience which is a clever mix of apocalyptic, dystopia and an end of the world setting cleverly played out through the eyes of a very spunky and likable teenage girl.

Near the beginning of the novel, blood begins to seep from the earth; initially, it is thought to be an isolated incident, but it quickly worsens and soon nobody can go outside without protection.

Before long, the water supply is contaminated and the shops are empty of food; this is all very convincingly described and kept deliberately low key as things go from bad to worse. There is blood everywhere and it is vividly described with many believing a Biblical end of the world prophecy has arrived.

There are some particularly yucky scenes and soon hair and bones start growing out of the earth; the hair really does have a life of its own and can trap those dumb enough to venture far from home in the oozing rivers of gunk. Lea is a great lead character, who is gay and just embarking upon her first serious relationship when things kick off, you’ll root for her all the way as she struggles to survive and hold onto her sanity and those close to her in this unprecedented and vividly described catastrophe. 

Tony Jones

Praise for the recently published YA Horror 400 almanac:

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Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

“The YA Horror 400 is a spectacular resource for lovers of horror and YA fiction. It’s a comprehensive guide to the past 15+ years of YA horror with reviews and author insights on over 400 YA horror novels and books, including my ‘We Mostly Come Out at Night’. I cannot recommend this book highly enough to YA horror readers. 10/10!” ROB COSTELLO (YA author and editor of We Mostly Come Out at Night & The Dancing Bears)

“The YA Horror 400 is such a good and constructive push for YA horror.” JEREMY DE QUIDT (YA author of The Wrong Train & The Toymaker)

“Tony Jones is a rare expert on YA horror, an influential reviewer who’s been a school librarian for 30 years. This A-Z almanac is a must own for horror fans and writers.” CAROLINE FLARITY (YA author of The Ghost Hunter’s Daughter)

“An amazing teen horror guide, with fabulous features like fear factor ratings and ‘If You Like This Try” recs. Perfect for librarians, teachers, and anyone who wants to live their best YA horror life” ANN FRAISTAT (YA author of What We Harvest & A Place for Vanishing)

“A must have for anyone looking to help connect younger readers to the best genre in the world. Expertly compiled by Tony Jones” PHIL HICKES (Middle Grade author of the Aveline Jones and Shadowhall Academy series)

“If you’ve ever wished there were an easily accessible almanac of YA horror, I’ve got great news, Tony Jones, who has been reviewing and supporting my work since I first started and is one of my biggest professional cheerleaders has released his YA Horror 400 almanac! I was lucky enough to have had the opportunity to contribute to it, too. What a cool project! Go Tony!” AMY LUKAVICS (YA author of Daughters Unto Devils & The Ravenous)

Librarians! Bloggers! Readers! Educators! I am wildly pleased to see The Call on, and between, the covers of THE YA HORROR 400 by Tony Jones. Reviews of brilliant books, author interviews. Scares aplenty”. PEADAR Ó GUILÍN (YA horror/fantasy author of The Call duology)

“Great news for teen horror fans! The YA Horror 400 is out! A massive horror almanac w/ fab features including fear factor ratings, articles, notes from authors and much more. Absolutely perfect for librarians, teachers and anyone who reads YA horror.” BRYONY PEARCE (YA author of Savage Island & Raising Hell)

“I highly recommend the YA Horror 400: an almanac of 400 teen horror novel reviews published between 2008-2024 by Tony Jones, featuring reviews of the best YA and middle grade horror (including my own novel Channel Fear”. LISA RICHARDSON (YA author of Channel Fear)

“Teachers, librarians, readers… This brand new almanac from horror guru Tony Jones is all you need to navigate your way through YA spookiness, gore and thrills. SJ Wills (YA author of the Bite Risk series)

Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens


  • The Heart and Soul of Horror Review Websites Top YA Survival Horror Picks for Teens

    Tony Jones has been a school librarian for thirty years and a horror fanatic for much longer. In 2014 he co-authored a history book called The Greatest Scrum That Ever Was, which took almost ten years to research and write. Not long after that mammoth job was complete, he began reviewing horror novels for fun and has never looked back. He also writes for Horror DNA, occasionally Ink Heist, and in the past Horror Novel Reviews. He curates Young Blood, the YA section of the Ginger Nuts of Horror. Which is a very popular worldwide resource for children’s horror used by school librarians and educationalists internationally.

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