Millionaires Day by Kit Power, Book Review Ginger nuts of horror review website.jpg

Millionaires Day by Kit Power, Book Review

Millionaires Day by Kit Power, Book Review

Those of you who followed the birth of this novella on social media might wonder, “What the hell is going on with the British Horror Scene?” With Kit’s insistence that the events of December 22, 2019, are accurate and that we are all suffering from some mass memory loss. To publishers and places like here being sent threatening to cease and desist letters to the rather public but funny falling out between Kit Power and Jasper Bark. Point of note, guys, if neither of you wants the tender to chuck it my way, there is a new posh coffee cream ice cream on sale, and Jimmy needs the money.

It has certainly been an interesting lead-up to Kit Power’s release of Millionaires Day.

I have had numerous emails and DMs asking me what the hell is going on. Well, let’s say many people are convinced it was just some gonzo viral marketing idea concocted by Kit and Jasper, but all I will say is I’m sitting here, and that green van is still outside my house. So make of that what you will.  

Millionaires Day by Kit Power has a killer central theme. It lays the foundation for a story that allows Kit to do what he does best: examine the dark core of humanity while delivering a fascinating and thrilling read.

On December 22, 2019, every person in the United Kingdom wakes up to find one million pounds in cash under their beds. This miraculous or catastrophic event sets off a chain of events that delves into human nature when faced with sudden wealth. Told from the perspectives of four separate but intertwined protagonists, Millionaires Day has the possibility of being one of Kit Powewr’s crowing glories.

Central to the story is the Poundland gangster Mickey.

A cheap and nasty man who thinks he is the king of his rundown estate. He is affordable, cruel, corrupt, and driven by insatiable greed. There isn’t a single redeeming quality about him. Don’t expect any redemption arc here.

He decides that his newfound wealth isn’t enough. He conspires with his gang of morally draft scumbags to steal everyone else’s money who lives on the estate before the news spreads. This leads to a thrilling and chaotic narrative as the lives of Mikey and his gang collide with the other narrative threads of Millionaires Day

Mickey epitomizes human greed and the relentless pursuit of more, even when seemingly given everything. His actions drive much of the narrative tension, providing a lens through which to examine themes of greed, power, and the moral dilemmas that come with unexpected fortune.

Kit Power is a master of blending horror, fantasy, and thriller elements in his always thought-provoking stories.

Millionaires Day is no exception. At first glance, this is a simple tale of greed, but dig slightly deeper into the narrative, and you will be faced with a powerful and heartbreaking examination of the worst of humanity, sparking deep reflection on societal issues.  

This is a brillaint companion read to Godbomb, with both novels exploring similar themes of what humanity will do when faced with otherworldy and exceptional circumstances.

You’d think that everyone would be happy to wake up to find they had a million pounds in cash right next to them. But no, that is not the case here. I used to think humanity was good, driven to be better and kind. But recent real-world events both have crushed that feeling in me. And Millionaires Day destroys any residual feelings that I may have had.

Delving into themes of wealth distribution, societal chaos, and moral ambiguity.

It raises questions about how sudden financial changes impact personal relationships and societal structures.

Power cleverly keeps the narrative focused on our main protagonists, he doesn’t spread out and look at the broader picture of the events. This is my only gripe about the book. It would have been fascinating to see the full fallout and panic from the authorities at the thought of there being no poor people in the UK. Imagine the chaos that the UK financial markets would feel at this. Would it lead to uncontrolled inflation? Could we be in a worse situation now that everyone is rich?  

However, this doesn’t take away a single thing from this amazing story. Focusing on the personal trials and tribulations of the four narrative threads keeps Millionaires Day a lean, mean story that doesn’t waste a single line of story to deliver its powerful message.

Millionaires Day is a grimy, urban horror thriller that exposes the dark heart of humanity.

I was on edge throughout the whole book, completely engrossed in the gripping narrative. I can’t remember the last time a book made me that anxious, especially regarding Emma’s story.  

Oh my god, this thread had my heart in my throat from the first paragraph. A neglected and abused child forced to sleep in a car when her mother’s shitty boyfriend popped over. As soon as you find out that she has woken up to a case of money, you will be sitting there desperate, praying that she will be OK. And her mother’s boyfriend doesn’t do what you dread; he will do.

Don’t worry if the novel has some formatting issues once you reach the final third of Millionaires Day. I am not going to spoil it, but don’t worry—it’s all part of the story. I have to admit it took me way longer than it should have to understand what was going on, but in my defence, I am always slow on the uptake.

Kit Power once again delivered a story that will leave readers breathless and stunned. His almost supernatural ability to blend complex, thought-provoking, heavy themes into a thrilling and captivating narrative. Is nothing short of a pure joy to read. I am always amazed at the depth and breadth of Kit’s knowledge and his nuanced way of incorporating such themes into a story without alienating the readers.

We might not all have a million quid next to us. But reading this powerful novel is a damn fine runner-up prize.  

Further Reading
Cover Reveal and Call to Action

The Strange Case of the Strange Cases

Millionaires Day by Kit Power

Millionaires Day by Kit Power, Book Review

On Sunday, 22nd December, 2019, everyone in the United Kingdom woke up with one million pounds in cash under their beds.

The miracle – or catastrophe – was never adequately explained. In the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, the event was largely forgotten or treated as an urban legend.

Until now.

In this explosive volume, investigative journalist/historian Kit Power finally blows the lid off that surreal, impossible morning. Focussing on a few residents of Milton Keynes, a uniquely diverse city northwest of London, Power lays bare:

– the wonder of waking up to a found fortune through the eyes of a neglected child

– the madness and panic of an unprepared public from the perspective of an overworked police officer

– the graphic terror inflicted by a band of reprobate gangsters for whom too much is never enough

– the strangeness of it all through the outlook of man’s best friend

Note: for legal purposes, this book is marketed as fiction. But no one who lived through it could deny the profound impact of…



  • Jim Mcleod

    Jim "The Don" Mcleod has been reading horror for over 35 years, and reviewing horror for over 16 years. When he is not spending his time promoting the horror genre, he is either annoying his family or mucking about with his two dogs Casper and Molly.

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