Millionaire’s Day – Cover reveal and call to action.
For the first time in my life, I’m actually feeling nervous about making a post at Gingernuts of Horror.
Not because I’m worried about the content – ordinarily, a cover reveal for a new Kit Power novella would be a simple cause for celebration, I always love it when one of the Gingernuts Team, past or present, meets with success.
But I’m sure by now you’ll be aware of the controversy swirling around this title on social media.
Again, such controversy is not something we shy away from here; we’ve no time or tolerance for bigots. Horror is a genre known for pushing boundaries and challenging taboos. And we support writers who are willing to push the envelope. But the storm around Millionaires Day is… different. And, frankly, sinister.
Alarm bells started ringing for me when Kit first told me the book would be called fiction for ‘legal reasons’ and that it was being published with an American press for similar reasons. And when he told me he was writing about the events of December 22nd, 2019…. Well, if you know, you know.
So I felt uneasy, but mainly on Kit’s behalf, and I was happy to reassure him he and his work would always have a home here – and I stand by that.
Still, things have gotten… weird.
I started noticing a drop-off in Ginger Nuts website metrics not long after I posted the Steve Toese article. And while overall it was more of a down tick than anything more serious. The metrics on that particular article were so woeful, I had to make sure the social media share posts had gone out at all. At the same time, the My Life In Horror archive link (covering Kit’s run on the series) started playing up. Often refusing to load entirely and on some metrics showing negative engagement, which my new site host support insists is not possible.
And I wasn’t alone.
Black Shuck Books and Horrific Tales (both past publishers of Kit’s work) both put out social media statements a week ago. Making it clear they’d been put under pressure to make changes to Kit’s work (pressure which, heroes that they are, they both refused to bow to) and accompanying issues with their own sites. And on Wednesday, the publishers of Millionaires Day issued their own statement. I don’t inted to give bullies the oxygen of publicity. So all I’ll say is these messages are very familiar to me, and I stand with those presses, and with Kit.
And following all that, a Facebook live event featuring Kit alongside veteran horror author Jasper Bark (on, ironically. The subject of viral marketing) experienced “technical problems” before being abandoned after only a few minutes. With the video recording of the abortive event vanishing without trace shortly afterwards (Kit insists he didn’t delete them, but they’re no longer there). I understand this event is to be rescheduled for Wednesday 9th October. But at the time of writing no such event is showing on Jasper or Kit’s timelines – more ‘gremlins’. One can only assume ( I hope they do reschedule, those two are always value for money).
Anyway. Here is the cover for Millionaires Day, and the preorder link

Print copies will be available at FCon (though the publisher has apparently had to go to some lengths to ensure those copies are secure. Something I’ve never heard of happening before).
Obviously Kit’s a friend, and I’d always want his book to do well in any case. So I guess I’m not asking you to do anything I wouldn’t normally. Please share this as widely as you can, and the link to the book, and if the blurb appeals to you at all, please pick up a cop. Either via the link or in person at FCon. And by doing so, stand up for indie horror, and the right for authors to publish books some people would rather you not read.
Millionaire’s Day by Kit Power

On Sunday, 22nd December, 2019, everyone in the United Kingdom woke up with one million pounds in cash under their beds.
The miracle – or catastrophe – was never adequately explained. In the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic the event was largely forgotten or treated as an urban legend.
Until now.
In this explosive volume, investigative journalist/historian Kit Power finally blows the lid off that surreal, impossible morning. Focussing on a few residents of Milton Keynes, a uniquely diverse city northwest of London, Power lays bare:
– the wonder of waking up to a found fortune through the eyes of a neglected child
– the madness and panic of an unprepared public from the perspective of an overworked police officer
– the graphic terror inflicted by a band of reprobate gangsters for whom too much is never enough
– the strangeness of it all through the outlook of man’s best friend
Note: for legal purposes, this book is marketed as fiction. But no one who lived through it could deny the profound impact of…
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